
Big Stick Policy Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

The foreign policies of Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson shared one key similarity, to establish the United States as a world power and increase trade with foreign countries. Although all the presidents shared a common goal they had different approaches to obtaining that goal. Roosevelt’s “Big Stick Policy” was focused on serving as a peacekeeper and mentor for other nation while upholding a public image of a super power. Taft wanted to maintain balance by investing and therefore developing foreign markets in poorer nations, the nations that the U.S. invested in were protected under his “Dollar Diplomacy”. Wilson was concentrated on the morality of American power on forging nations and remaining neutral in forging conflicts therefore his policy was rightfully names the “Moral Diplomacy”. All three presidents shared the goal of establishing the United States has a world power, however they all had different methodologies on obtaining world dominance. Theodore Roosevelt ‘s “Big Stick Policy” is summed up in its motto “Speak softly and carry a big stick”; his “big stick” was the U.S. Navy. Roosevelt believed that Americans were superior people designed for power over the world’s economic and political affairs. He understood that the United States could not rule every portion of the earth …show more content…

military muscle. Under Taft the nations that the U.S invested in were under U.S. protection if another nation were to interfere. Taft however did not grasp Roosevelt’s balance of power politic and encroached on Japans sphere of influence in China, causing Japan to sign a friendship treaty with Russia and exclude U.S. goods from Manchurian markets. Taft’s policy positively affected America and foreign nations culturally and politically more than Roosevelt’s policy but not as much as Wilson’s

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