
Big Technology : An Introduction To Big Data?

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Lately it seems as if we all are constantly talking about ‘Big Data’ although in a very abstract manner, as an intangible element yet a factor that all brands, from all over the World are seeking to leverage. But what’s the underlying reason driving this movement? Technology has triggered huge changes on various levels and the “hyperconnection” that we are living in forces us to be up to date at ever single waking minute, on average a person checks his Smartphone 150 times per day and spends more time looking at the screen on his PC, smartphone or tablet than sleeping… Our daily routines are now focused on a series of actions and all of them are mixing the digital environment with our physical surroundings: from going online to …show more content…

The only way to achieve greater profitability is to ensure that each collection is a roaring success. The easiest path to reach this goal is to realize how data has to be the fashion industry’s and its bands’ strongest allies. From the smallest e-commerce website operating out of someone’s living room to the huge international retailer with stores in over 100 countries, ROI or return on investment is gaining critical importance and is a key objective for all of us who are players in this sector and we all are fully aware of how we have little choice but to optimize our resources.

Throughout this eBook, we will be seeing many examples of brands that have developed their own systems to gather data, some even going beyond the omnichannel borders by using smart digital dressing rooms inside their shops, payment applications linked to their online user databases or outfits being designed based upon a customer’s habits. However, we will also be seeing that developing costly projects is no longer required to fully understand customers and their behavior patterns may be defined simply by using the data we have available. Here at Launchmetrics -- being a technology company as we are-- we are always trying to highlight not only the inherent value of the data alone but rather the tools that are able to be used to gather them and properly filter the to enhance this value. This is the experience that we recently have had with Alexander Wang who was able to maximize

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