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Sometimes people put off exercising because they are bored with their usual routine. The key to success is to mix up your workouts to keep them interesting and diverse. If you've been skipping your exercise time, consider some simple ways to make fitness more fun.

Double Duty

There are various reasons why you might get discouraged from your regular exercise routine. You may enjoy hiking but don't want to go out in rainy or cold weather. Instead of missing out on your daily walk, get a treadmill where you can workout regardless of the weather. The Precor TRM 211 offers cutting edge technology to make your walking workouts more interesting. Biking is another outdoor activity that can be difficult to do during certain weather. You've got a ticket to ride anytime when you have a Life Fitness Platinum Club Series Recumbent Lifecycle with an array of entertaining and training options. Often rowing a boat is an activity you can only do during two or three seasons, depending on the region where you live. The WaterRower Classic is smooth, quiet and emulates the real experience of rowing a boat.

The Buddy System …show more content…

Making a commitment means it is harder to get out of working out. Accountability helps you maintain a steady workout routine. One way to do this is establishing a buddy system. Schedule a daily walk with your dog, significant other or a neighbor. Invite a friend to share your home gym at a designated time each day. Join fitness classes at a local gym or fitness center that calls you if you miss a scheduled class. Teach your child about fitness by joining a mommy and me class. Enroll in a sports team that depends on you to arrive at practices and show up at games. When other people are waiting for you, it is tougher to avoid working out. This helps you continue a long-term fitness routine for optimum well-being. It is also a great way to fit socialization into your hectic

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