
Biofuels as an Alternative Fuel Source

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Some organisms produce energy by photosynthesis. These organisms convert sunlight to energy that is chemical, and this energy is in the form of sugar (Freedman 2013). The sugars from these organisms can be used as biofuels by fermenting the sugars (Bourne 2007). Some photosynthetic organisms are more efficient than others. Based on our reading, I found out that algae plants are the most efficient organism for biofuel because they do not have cellulose and lignin that sugarcane and corn both possess (Bourne 2007). Biofuels could eventually replace diesel fuels that we continuously use, and will soon run out of. Diesel fuels have been proven to damage the environment, and biofuels would help this issue.
Biofuels would not be bad for the environment because they come straight from the environment, and with biofuels there would be no dangerous or bad chemicals released into the atmosphere. Each photosynthetic organism collects the sunlight in different ways because of their pigments (lab manual 2013). Different types of pigments in the organism absorb different wavelengths. The wavelength that travels the deepest in water is blue, which is 450-500nm. Before starting the experiment, my group was curious to what color of light would produce the biggest biomass, and what kind of pigment would be in our organism. We were given the algae chlorella, and based our hypothesis on that. For our hypothesis, we thought there would be a difference in biomass between red and blue light, and

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