
Biography Of Bernie Sanders

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Bernie Sanders truly is a candidate for the American people. He supports reducing income inequality, green energy, and making immigrating to America easier. In short, on every level he is down-to-earth and has the same interests as the common citizen.
Bernie Sanders takes a very forthright approach on income inequality. He states that “In the year 2015, no one working 40 hours a week should be living in poverty.” He would amend this by raising the minimum wage from 7.50 an hour all the way up to 15 dollars an hour. He has also stated that he will begin taxing big corporations more heavily, and hopes to use that money to fund public works such as rebuilding bridges, roads, railways, airports, public transit systems, and so much more. Bernie Sanders truly wishes to improve the standard of living for your average family and have them be able to be self-sustaining without the need for government welfare.
Furthermore, Bernie Sanders has already started on his quest to achieve this. He is the one who led the effort to increase the minimum wage of federal contractors to 10 dollars an hour. He has also introduced the “Workplace Democracy Act” which strengthened unions and the power of an individual worker. As just a senator he has done this; imagine what he could accomplish as President of the United States.
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Bernie Sanders understand that climate change is real and we need to do something immediately to stop it. He believes we should transition to renewable sources of energy and “transform our energy system away from fossil fuels.” The transition to renewable resources is important because in the past decade our oceans have risen 9 inches. If this trend continues millions of coastal residents would be forced to leave abandon their homes. This is one of the most important topics as our children’s lives will depend on how our nation tackles this

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