A bio-psychosocial describes an approach systematically considers biological, psychological, and social factors and their complex interactions in understanding health, illness, and health care delivery. Biological factors include defective biological processes compounds that lead to biological dysfunction and illness. Psychological factors are about the individual’s emotions, behavior, and mental processes. Social factors include social status and relations. These factors are all considered in an attempt to understand the underlying factors of such disease. Sigmund Freud would consider the social factors in their theories. Behavioral and environmental psychologists ignore the developmental, biological or psychological aspect of the individual and argue that a human person learns to control their direct environment in relation to their situations; learning their behaviors with the surroundings their in. Without combination of other approaches to psychological problems, it is complicated to help any person with the behavioral model. This is because helping a patient to learn positively rewarding stimuli without understanding or considering factors like background or biological factor could be meaningless. Biological approach gives focus on genetically inheritance and the internal body state of any individual. This could be a good perspective in understanding such problems, but it cannot be entirely relied upon to explain certain problems. A better approach that would cover
The concept of health is beyond the absence of illness; there are multiple determinants of health evident in the Institute of Medicine’s model of health (See Fig. 1) (Crosby, Quinn, & Kalinyak, 2015). According to the model health is influenced by the individual’s biological traits such as age, sex, race and biological factors, and social networks, culture and living, working and environmental conditions. In a nutshell, health is determined and influenced by the combination of physical, psychological, and social factors over an individual’s lifespan as displayed in the biopsychosocial multidisciplinary model (See Fig. 2). Firstly, physical health or allostasis refers to the maintenance of physiological homoeostasis in changing circumstances
Over the course of the semester, we have discussed the complex relationship between biological, psychological, and social factors in relation to psychological disorders. For this paper, I will be discussing how psychological and social (psychosocial) interventions can positively affect AIDS and cancer. Typically, psychological and social factors influence your health in two ways, which include: “affecting the basic biological processes that lead to illness and disease” and “long-standing behavior patterns may put people at risk to develop certain physical disorders (Durand 277).” The first disease that I will be discussing is AIDS, which is the final stage of HIV. In our book, the authors discuss the overall effects of psychosocial interventions
Biopsyhosocial can be defined as, “of, relating to, or involving the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors...” (English Oxford Living Dictionaries, 2017). Biological factors are the inherited characteristics from our parents, and their genetic materials and processes, as well as aspects of a person’s psychological functioning (Caltabiano, Sarafino, & Byrne, 2008). Examples of biological factors include inherited illnesses, genetic make-up, and health and wellness practices learnt from childhood. Caltabiano, Sarafino, and Byrne (2008) explain that psychological factors are both behavioural and mental process, which involve cognition, emotion, and motivation. These psychological factors could include and impact attention, memory, reasoning, personal growth, and emotional well being. Lastly, social factors are the affects we have on others and they have on us, as well as how our society and community as a whole impacts individuals by promoting certain
In the biopsychosocial approach, health and illness are not the simple absence or presence of disease, but rather the result of complex interactions between genetic, psychosomatic, and social influences. Emphasis is
The biopsychosocial model (BPS) of health is a framework developed by George L. Engle. This approach postulates that health and illness are influenced by biological, psychological and social factors. These factors are all involved in the causes, manifestation, course and consequence of health and diseases. The biopsychosocial model was introduced as an alternative approach to the biomedical model which is a more narrow approach (Abraham, 2008). The biomedical model states that diseases can only be
The bio-psychosocial allows the person/group/community seeking assistance to tell their own story. It includes the following aspects: Physical/biological, emotional/psychological and social/cultural/historical. The bio-psychosocial assessment is comprised of any hereditary illness or conditions within the family, neurological issues (e.g. learning disables), health care (including prenatal, preventive, dental, mental health) and illnesses and hospitalizations. Additionally, it is comprised of health, medication concerns, and history of substance abuse, physical exam, and concerns regarding the persons’ physical environment, PowerPoint Presentation (2012).
Psychologically, unresolved issues from childhood, constant fear of death, low self esteem , extreme dependence and chronic pessimism could cause depression. for example the object relation theory by Kern berg, looking at relationship people have with love object and how these relationship could cause depression when there is real or symbolic loss of the object. Profound early losses, such as the death of a parent or the withdrawal of a loved one’s affection, may resonate throughout life, eventually expressing themselves as depression. Also the cognitive theory says that depression is caused or exacerbated by maladaptive thinking.
Social models of health have a strong focus on the broad determinants of health: these being social, psychological, behavioural and biological (Browne, 2011). They consider both the proximal causes (factors immediately preceding a health event, such as the death of an individual) and the distal causes (the initial causal factors of a disease) (World Health Organization, 2002). Social models aid in giving reasons for illnesses that are not due to pathological abnormalities; instead they support non-medical reasons for
Psychology is not just philosophical speculation and reasoning over the years it has evolved and it is now also recognised as a science, to understand what psychology is all about it is necessary to know it’s origins and the theorist who brought it out of obscurity, Sigmund Freud. He developed the Psychodynamic or Psychoanalytical perspective to enable better understanding of human behaviour these concepts will be discussed further later in this study. After Freud opened the gateway other perspectives and approaches have been developed, now with five main areas of psychology - Cognitive, Behaviourist, Biopsychology and Humanist approaches. For a comparison with the Psychodynamic theory, Behaviourist Theory will be discussed.
The biopsychosocial model would take into account biological, social and psychological properties that could explain the factors that cause, aggravate and potentially prevent these diseases.
The biopsychosocial model focuses on thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that influence health with how society or culture influence health rather than just biology and physiology (Gurung, 2014). Since the biopsychosocial approach focuses more on the mental aspect of health, any health care professional will look more into a patient’s thoughts, feelings, and reactions as opposed to physical and psychological aspects. A key example can be looked at is a patient who has cancer, with the biopsychosocial approach a doctor will look at their behaviors, feelings about treatment, and thoughts towards cancer and their treatment. Being that the model is about how society or culture influence health, it is assumed that there is an influence. A patients culture can impact how they act or view things. Since this model is part of the health care, there is
The biopsychosocial model that views health in a more holistic fashion. Roughly speaking, it means that biology, psychology, and social interactions don’t just play individual mutually exclusive roles in the health of a person; it states that health, disease, and overall wellness doesn’t stem from one of things, but a combination. For example, patient A has type II diabetes, patient B has cancer of the lung, and patient C has an
In 2007-2008 youth offending rates were four times more than from people over 19 and are consistently higher than persons over 25 (K. Richards, 2011) .
In my research, the information suggests that there is a strong associating with biological and psychological theories can be argued that the ideology can connect some sociological and economic theories. The review of the theories provided a wide range of possible leading variables, methodologies, ideologies that could be argued as political. Furthermore, political theories can be categorized as the political ideology for political
Freud’s theory was initially based on his own person and experiences and memories, hence, lacking experimental and scientific