
Bipolar Disorder And Mental Health

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According to the National Institute of Mental Health (2015), bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that may cause random shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and their ability to perform everyday tasks. There are different types of bipolar episodes; the high, euphoric episodes are known as mania, and the low, miserable episodes are known as depression. The median age, of those who are affected by this illness, is 25 years old. Although, it can start in early childhood, or as late as 50 years old. This mental illness does not discriminate against race, ethnicity, social standing, or age; it can affect anyone. Bipolar disorder affects roughly 5.7 million Americans above the age of eighteen; that is approximately 2.6 of the United States population (The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance). With all of the research that has been conducted in an attempt to better understand bipolar disorder, we still have yet to pin point one specific cause of this illness. There can be a mix of many different factors that cause bipolar disorder, from genetics to stress/environmental factors, from brain structure to medications. Illnesses, like bipolar disorder, often run in families. If one person in a family has bipolar disorder, it increases the risk of developing this disease for all of their kin. Although, that does not mean that just because one of your ancestors has bipolar disorder, you are going to develop bipolar disorder. They cannot solely depend on genetics due to the facts

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