
Birmingham Bombing Experience

Decent Essays

It was just another day in Birmingham on September 15, 1963. I was going to church for Sunday school classes with all my friends. There were about 200 people coming in around 10 a.m. I was really nervous lately because the Ku Klux Klan were going around bombing houses of innocent people. Nothing could hurt me though because I was in the house of God. Many of the civil rights protest marches that took place in Birmingham during the 1960s, began at the 16th Street Baptist Church. Which was known as a religious center for the city’s black population and a routine meeting place for civil rights organizers like King. KKK members had routinely called in bomb threats that were intended to disrupt civil rights meetings as well as services at the …show more content…

The teacher ran outside of the room to see what was happening. She screamed at us saying “we need to leave now!” As we ran to exit the building I could hear screams of people and saw the walls caving in from what I guess could’ve been another bombing. I was frightened and worried about all my friends who were over there. I kept thinking to myself that they were okay but I had this terrible feeling they weren’t. We got outside and I saw the building lit up in smoke and was on fire. People kept coming in and out helping everyone. Why is this happening to us? We’re just going to church on a normal Sunday. Who in their right minds would do this to us. Of course it was the KKK. Again they bombed innocent people. Birmingham was well known for the bombings lately. They called us …show more content…

People were coming out injured and screaming. I kept thinking about all my friends and family. Where were they and are they okay? My mom came and got me. It looked like she came out of the church because she was all dirty and full of dust. We rushed and left to go home as soon as possible. Police kept warning everyone to stay inside and to not let anyone outside. This all felt like a dream. I never thought this would happen. We sat and watched the news. The reporter said, “Twenty two people reported injured, and four dead.” I was shocked. Who were those four people, why did it have to be four people? Later on in the night my mom was making supper and the news reporter was going to release the names of the injured and dead. He started reading off names of the injured and then he got to the for dead. The reporter read “Addie Mae Collins 14, Denise McNair 11, Carole Robertson 14, Cynthia Wesley 14, all found dead in the basement restroom rubble.”. As soon as he read off the first name I could not stop crying. These were my friends from church. At that point, I was in trembling. I felt like the air was taken out of me.They were so young. Why did they have to die? On September 16, 1963 , President John F. Kennedy responded saying, "If these cruel and tragic events can only awaken that city and state - if they can only awaken this entire nation to a realization of the folly of racial injustice and hatred and violence,

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