
Black And Blues - Langston Hughes

Good Essays

Kelsee Robinson
Mrs. Fiene
English 12
14 March 2017
Black and Blues – Langston Hughes The Harlem Renaissance was a time in history when the African American culture had one of its most influential movements by using creativity and the arts (Hutchinson 1). This movement took place between 1918 and 1937 and was shaped by both African American men and women through writing, theatre, visual arts, and music. The purpose of this movement was to change the white stereotypes that were associated with African American people and their culture (Hutchinson 1). African Americans used the Harlem Renaissance to build relationships with each other and their heritage. Participants of the movement often had fierce debate and were not unified on how to …show more content…

I, James Langston Hughes, an author and poet during the Harlem Renaissance am an example of the movement that occurred during this time with my unique, rhythmic poems voicing the life experiences of ordinary African American citizens by mixing politics and poetry.
I was born in Joplin, Missouri on February 1, 1902 to Carrie M. Langston and James N. Hughes. My father moved to Mexico when I was a young child after my parents’ divorce. I was raised by my grandmother, Mary Langston, until I was thirteen and then went to live with my mother and her husband in Lincoln, Illinois. A year later, we moved to Ohio and eventually settled in Cleveland. My passion for writing began during this time and was encouraged by my high school teachers. After graduation, I spent a year in Mexico and then went to Columbia University located in New York City. Although writing was my passion, I held many odd jobs including a job as a bus boy. This job, believe it or not, helped me to launch my career. It was by chance that I was able to get Vachel Lindsay, a well-known poet, a copy of three of my poems while he was dining in his hotel restaurant (Hutchison 1). He read them at a public performance that evening and the rest, as they say, is history. A year later I published my first book of poetry, The Weary Blues.

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