
Black Men In The Scottsboro Boys

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The communist party was all for supporting black people having a self-government and self-determination even though some weren't in favor of this cause. Also due to the rise of the communist party there was an increase in political effort to protect the lives of African Americans. The communist party was able to help save the lives of nine young black men from execution. This case was known as the “Scottsboro Boys”; in Alabama there were nine African American teenagers that were arrested in 1931 for supposably involved in raping two white women on a train. The teenagers were accused, convicted and were soon to face the death penalty. Luckily for them the many African Americans from the communist party supported them, the support system these boys had was amazing, this case offered these young men an opportunity to play roles in the in the defense of black men and the struggle they face against class and racial oppression. This case was also a very personal case to the boy’s families because they understood what it felt like for their own husbands and children getting accused of raping someone and they also feared that they would also get lynched. In 1933 about a thousand black men and women gathered in Richmond, Virginia to protest for the release of the nine young men. In the end the case was successful and the boys were taken out of custody. Because everyone came together for a good cause the boys escaped execution, Janie Patterson made this plea to help

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