
Blackheart: A Short Story

Decent Essays

HAVE LOST MANY THAT DID.” “ I would never ask for your heart.” said Tabitha, “ You saved me once and brought me here, can you do it again to save everyone?” asked Tabitha feeling desperate. “FINE, I WILL HELP,” roared Blackheart. Tabitha let out a sigh of relief and turned to look back over Caim and saw smoke. “Its the city!” Neart exclaimed, and Blackheart looked to see what the commotion was about. “WE HAVEN’T GOT MUCH TIME,” he exclaimed worriedly. He grabbed the centaur and took off flying into battle. Tabitha got on the sphinx and Neart shifted into an owl and they flew behind them. When they reached the city the fight already started, but before Tabitha joined in Blackheart stopped her. “HERE, THIS IS A SWORD MADE OF MY FANG. IT WILL

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