
Block Scheduling Essay

Decent Essays

At WHS, each teacher teaches five classes and has one duty period. With the block scheduling, every teacher has one day where they teach three classes and have one prep period. The other day, they have two classes, a duty, and a prep period. Last year, my mentor and I email the staff about their preference for the second semester duty. I took into account these preferences and their free periods when making the schedule. When I created the duty schedule with her last year, I found that odd days have more academic instruction and that there are significantly more teachers with lighter instructional loads on even days, causing scheduling difficulty for having a good number of teachers on hall duty on odd days.
This year, I created and sent …show more content…

Some staff said they really appreciated having the opportunity to provide feedback related to their duties.
After school, my mentor called me down to talk to one of our building union representatives. At first, I thought she wanted to discuss how she schedules café duty for the guidance department, since they have one lunch wave a day instead of an entire period every other day. Instead, the building rep had received a complaint by, as she described, “one of our more grumpy” staff members, who was concerned that I was “assigning” duties and that is the job of the administrator and not a teacher. She asked me to send out a clarifying email explaining that I was collecting data related to the teacher preferences and that the administrative team is scheduling the duties. As Diana, the union building rep and I were wrapping up our meeting one of the special education teachers popped her head in Diana’s office and said, “That was a great idea Shannon.” Perfect timing!
I drafted an email to send to the staff but wanted to discuss it with Diana and Andy (both vice principals) before sending it out. November 17th was the night of the homecoming dance, so Diana told me we would send it out before the dance started. Here is the email I initially drafted to the staff. “Thank you for all who have completed the Google Form. I just

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