The grade level of my choice is 9-12 graders the subject area is social studies. It is very important for a teacher to allow all students the opportunities of learning and for all students to reach the same understanding of the material that is being taught. Each student has a right to be educated as well as learns according to the way they comprehend information. As a new teacher, they should understand how to distinguish and separate these students who learn in different styles. According to the state of North Carolina, common core is what teachers should design content for students in special education by using steps from Blooms Taxonomy strategy. This lesson strategy deals with different levels of thinking starting with the lower level to higher levels of thinking concerning students. Special-education students who are unfamiliar with a lesson the teacher should start with lower levels before moving these students to higher levels. Blooms Taxonomy has different levels that will encourage student’s ability to think and to comprehend information during classroom activities. Nevertheless, teachers should recognize that the knowledge process if …show more content…
This activity will allow a student to research our first black president and get to know him better. In this activity, the student will read Barack Obama’s biography that is listed online and create their own questions concerning what they would like to know about the president. This challenging assignment will teach students about Obama’s childhood, education, and political career before he became our President. After complete research, they will complete a one-page report concerning what they have to learn. Students with the different learning system can get the audio tapes and listen to his biography. Visual learners can watch videos and complete this
Obama’s speech demonstrates certain points to engage the audience and to create a connection to emphasize its presence in the speech. One impactful technique he used is his anecdotes to prove his credibility to gain trust within the students. One anecdote that he clearly states is about African Americans are treated different decades ago and how certain races are not able to have the job they wanted, due to their skin tone. Furthermore, he adds his own research on this topic by explaining how “no blacks CEOs of Fortune 500 companies” (Mccaskill). This creates a sense of wisdom and satisfaction because, over time, society changed their views within people of color
The election of Barack Obama as the president of the United States surprised Americans as much as it did the world. The first African American and non-white to be in the White House, Barack Obama symbolized a major historical event, another step-forward toward racial equality in the history of America. Civil rights activists, experts in the racial conflict of the U.S., and many liberal citizens believed that Obama’s election means the realization of the ideas of black civil rights leaders, the completion of the Civil Rights Movement, the beginning of a post-racial society, and the downfall of
There was three ways “A Dream Fulfilled: The Story Barack Obama” impressed me. One way he impressed me, was how he handle being biracial at the time period of the civil rights movement. Barack having a Kenyan Father and a White American Mother during the middle of the civil rights movement. For example, the book describes Barack resist being a racist himself because at this time everyone is pointing fingers at each other. He stays clear and still be accepting to other. Another way he impressed me, that he’s genuinely wants to help people. He was just in it to become president for selfish reasons. For example, he was a community organizer. The job has low pay and work with stubborn people. He accepted this job because he truly wanted to help
Barack Hussein Obama Jr, the first African American President of the United States, was born on August the 4th 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Obama’s birth is considered as an important turning point for African American’s in history, he was the first African American to serve as a United States president. Barack Obama is currently the 44th president of the United States. He was raised in a middle class family with education being the core of their lives and had very noble values. Obama was a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, he was elected the first African-American editor of the Harvard Law Review. Obama met Michelle Robinson in 1989 in Chicago’s law firm of Sidley Austin as a summer associate and not too long after that they began to date. Obama was a civil rights attorney, community organizer in Chicago where he helped rebuild communities that was devastated by the closure of the local street plants and a teacher at University of Chicago Law School before pursuing a political career. The time Obama spent helping rebuild the communities he that this time of his life “the best education I ever had, better than anything I got at Harvard Law School” (1). For Obama, he explains that from that experience is what contributed to finding his identity and forming the path that he has taken whilst in the white house. Barack Obama won the election in November 4th 2008 and then took office on January the 20th 2009, these two dates were significant days for America.
The election of President Obama marks the most noteworthy political accomplishment for African Americans in the United States during the post-civil rights revolution, thus bringing about a change in the country’s social and political landscape that was steeped in racial discrimination since the founding of this great nation. Because social and political conditions are subject to constant change, President Obama’s
Diversity encompasses numerous characteristics including socio-economic background, ethnicity, special needs, gender, and giftedness (Cazden, 2001). Today, classrooms are getting more varied and diverse with students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds, and students with a disability. It appears that teachers must meet the needs of all students successfully and individually to effectively teach a classroom of diverse students. This paper will first identify three challenges involved with ensuring that teaching strategies are
For many years, American Presidents were viewed as being white and powerful leaders. Why were they only white? Is it because Americans felt Blacks were not smart enough to run a country on their own? African Americans were viewed as less dominate people and have been discriminated because of the color of their skin. In 2008, Barack Obama was elected President of the United States making him the first black president ever. In this paper, I will discuss how Barack makes a change and if America can accept him as our first black president.
Richard Wright would write about Barack Obama earning the honor of being the first black man to be the head of the country. Obama made history on January 20th, 2009, when he was inaugurated into presidency of America as the first African American to become the president of the US. He made history, he went on to start programs like ObamaCare, Helped Gay marriage rights make it to the supreme court, as well as combat global warming. Obamacare, also known as the affordable care act, is helping many people in America gain health care when they can not afford it, for many, it is helping with “Job lock”, a situation where you need to continue working at a job that you hate but need to have health care, as explained in the article titled Will Obamacare end Job Lock? By Dean Baker, Los Angeles Times. Obama is helping many of us with the pursuit of happiness, and with acts such as the affordable care act, we can do such things. Obama is closing in on the end of his
Module 2 contained lots of very useful information that I can use in the future, If I ever become an instructor. I am glade that we had an extra week to digest all that information. At first when I read the chapter in the book, my head was spinning. Then I started to compartmentalize everything and things become much clearer. Bloom’s Taxonomy is something that I have to keep reviewing to fully understand. I think I got the hang of writing goals and objectives, especially after reading everyone’s posts and the corrections. Now regarding the the syllabus assignment, I think it was a great way to practice exploratory learning. At first I had difficulty finding a worthy syllabus online, especially because I got used to the high quality syllabi
Michelle Obama is the topic of this research for she is a role model and inspiration to Americans across the nation. Michelle’s life has shown nothing but mere dedication, outstanding perseverance, a willingness to learn, affect change and be a leader to those who believe and admire her work. Raised on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois, Obama is the daughter of Fraser Robinson III, a city water plant employee and Democratic precinct captain (Slevin, 2015). During her early years, Michelle has seen the detrimental effects segregation can have on a community, which was later reflected on her fight against inequality. Being raised on the
This book examines the advancement of black leadership and politics since the Civil Rights Movement. It looks Barack Obama, from his time spent as a successful candidate for the Illinois State Senate to President of the United States, as part of the continuum of African American political leaders.
President Barack Obama is know for remarkable events such as becoming the first African American president of the United States; however, not everyone knows about what else Obama has done. He is also an author who has written around twenty books including a memoir about his early life leading up to his life in law school, and a children’s book dedicated to his daughters. His most famous book Dreams From My Father, a memoir about his early life leading up to law school, is a prime example of what influenced him to write. There were many things that happened in Obama’s life that caused him to write. Things such as the segregation happening in the U.S at the time, his broken home and his feelings towards his absent father.
The class I observe is called World Humanity class. In this class students learn Social Study and Literacy together. There were 25 students in sixth grade, including two special education students under IEP (Individual
In the beginning of his speech, Obama discusses his family and their past, how his grandfather served the United States and was a veteran of World War II. He speaks about the name that was given to him, Obama, as being African and how his parents felt that it isnt your name that takes you places and makes you who you are, it your character, strength, and personality. He also descibes his encounters with that he
Bloom’s Taxonomy was created by Benjamin Bloom in 1956. Bloom identified that there were three categories of learning. Cognitive: Mental skills (knowledge) Affective: Growth in feelings or emotional areas (attitude) Psychomotor: Manual or physical skills (skills).