
Boboltz Eating Bugs

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Have you ever thought about switching up your diet and eating bugs? People in this world are demanding more beef and in order for that farmers need to get more cows but if we have more cows there are more cow emissions and that means lots more greenhouse gases and that will cause global warming. Eating bugs can solve world hunger, they can solve obesity, and they have more protein than meat. One reason, is bugs might be able to solve world hunger. According to Boboltz eating bugs is “ considered one of many ways to address food and feed security” (Boboltz 3). This means that bugs would solve world hunger because there everywhere, they reproduce quickly, and they are cheap. This is important because in the future we might face over population and need more food. Furthermore, if we start eating insects than they will become more popular and be a lot cheaper and more people can afford them (Boboltz 2). If bugs are cheaper and people can actually afford them then the number of children and adults that go hunger will be able to eat. If we make the change of our diet we would make the change of our world. All in …show more content…

According to Boboltz it will be better if we start to eat bugs because “ 1.4 billion adults ages 20 and over were overweight” and “ young children in low income and middle income families” (Boboltz 3-4). Bugs would solve obesity because they are a lot cheaper than most healthy foods. Because of this, low and middle income families will be able to eat healthy if they can actually afford it. Additionally, they would solve obesity because contain a large amount of protein and a lot of healthy fats which would slow down the number of people overweight. Insects, have a very large amount of protein compared to meat. If we start eating them will get lots of protein and other healthy things. In conclusion, obesity is becoming a big problem in the world and bugs might help solve that

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