
Body Image Affects Society

Decent Essays

Body Image is a main issue though out the world. Man and Woman what to look like that people we see on TV, Facebook, Instagram and etc. The causes that i’m going to be talking about in Body image is Media, health product and peer. In the Butterly Foundation states that almost 1 in 20 Australians are thought to have an eating disorder, with one in diagnoses of anorexia being a man. Body image is one of the top 3 concerts in Australia for young people. The Media has a big impact on Body Image is because we can see what celebrities or the cool kids like and we want to look like them because we won’t get bully and look at wried when we are going out, a school or work. This quote from National Eating Disorders Collaboration “The way you feel about your body is your affective body image. This relates to the amount of satisfaction or dissatisfaction you feel about your shape, weight and individual body parts.” In this quote it is telling us it how we see our body. When we see the skinny kids in the TV shows or movies we think if we stop eating we will lose weight and look like that but we won’t because out body isn’t getting the nutrients it needs so it will hold on to that fat. The media makes us think that we are …show more content…

This quote from National Eating Disorder Collaboration, “It is possible to change some socio-cultural, psychological and environmental risk factors. The modifiable risk factors for eating disorders are identified as: Low self-esteem, Body dissatisfaction, Internalisation of the thin socio-cultural ideal,Extreme weight loss behaviours.” In the this it states cause of eating disorder put it also your not getting the health product you need for your body. Your body needs Vitamins and minerals, Herbal remedies and Homeopathic medicines. With an eating disorder your putting your health at risk because your not getting the health product you

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