
Body Outlaws By Ophira Edut: An Analysis

Decent Essays

In Ophira Edut’s book Body Outlaws, she discusses the idea of what it means to be a “body outlaw.” Before being able to discuss the term “body outlaw,” it is important to understand what an outlaw is. Outlaws are considered to be the rebels on the fringe of society. They are seen as a threat to the culture and are thought to be dangerous. They have powerful ideas and a strong presence. Outlaws want to change traditions and set people free.
Through Edut’s discussion, I learned that “body outlaws” know the truth about happiness. They recognize that happiness is self-acceptance (Edut, 2003). When discussing self-acceptance Edut says that “body outlaws“ know that “no matter how you look, you still gotta work it.” When describing “body outlaws,” Edut talks about how they do not live on the fringes for the sake of doing so, but for a greater mission. They do it because this is the only way that our society will see any type of change. …show more content…

They are rebels without a cause that step outside of their comfort zones and expose others to body ideas that are outside of society’s norm. In the book Body Outlaws by Ophira Edut she says, “Body outlaws are the escaped convicts, their only crime a desire to live free from the confining pressure to achieve a beauty they didn’t imagine themselves,” (Edut, 2003). I felt that this was such a great way to describe a “body outlaw.” She allowed her readers to see that “body outlaws” are not actually doing anything wrong because they want to free themselves from society’s ideas of beauty and the pressures associated with

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