
Boeing vs Airbus: Who is in the Lead?

Decent Essays

Boeing occupied 57% of the world’s existing fleet in 1992 where one-third of total revenues came from military aircraft and remaining two-third came from commercial aircraft. By the end of 1992, Boeing had delivered total 7183 commercial aircraft into the global aviation market. These included 59% of short-to-medium range aircrafts (727 & 737), 27.7% of medium-to-long range aircrafts (707,757 & 767) and 13.3% of long range aircrafts (747).

For the other case, Airbus occupied 16% of the world’s existing fleet in 1992 and only 972 commercial aircraft had been delivered by the end of 1992. These included 37.2% of short-to-medium range aircrafts (A320 & A321) and 62.3% of medium-to-long range aircrafts (A300 & A310) without any long range aircrafts.

As a result, Boeing had occupied 3.5 times larger aviation market and delivered approximately 7 times more aircraft than Airbus by the end of 1992 (shows in Figure 1).

In terms of production scale:

Since Boeing established in 1916, it had developed into the world’s largest commercial aircraft manufacturer in 1992. It has two major factors: Everett (world’s largest building by volume) and Renton in Washington with total area of 10.6 million square feet and approximately 28,000 employees over three shifts. Parts and subassemblies were shipped by truck, rail, air and ship from nine national sites and five international facilities. These scales of facilities and workforce enable Boeing to produce a completed aircraft in only 6

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