
Bone Disease from Dyshondroplasia to Osteogenesis Imperfecta Can Be Rare but Are Painful

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There are numerous types of bone diseases in the world, however there are some that are considered to be rare. From Dyshondroplasia to Osteogenesis Imperfecta, these rare diseases have signs and symptoms that make them completely different from any other diseases. Bone diseases are special in a sense that they must be treated carefully to prevent the patient from undergoing too much pain. While some bone diseases, such as osteomalacia, are found more in the elder; there are some that are most commonly seen in children. Rickets is an example of this, which is why it may be looked upon as an osteomalacia of the young. Although these two may seem to be similar, there are certain qualities that make them differ from eachother. Osteomalacia …show more content…

Homeostasis is a natural balance of our body, and without a good amount of calcium, we lose some of that balance. The Calcium in the bones is what keeps them strong, without it they tend to become soft and weak. There are numerous places where people can get their vitamin D, one of the most commonly known is from exposure to the sun. while too much sun can lead to damaginf effects on the skin, it is still extremely important to get a decent amount of exposure. Those who are unable to get an appropriate amount of exposure, for example: modest women who are unallowed to show much skin, can find vitamin D from different sources. Other sources include fish such as salmon, fortified milk, and cod liver oil (Holick,2005). If people make a greater effort to have a diet that includes this vitamin, they are gauranteed to build stronger bones. Anyone can get nutritional rickets, however some mothers may question the reason behind why their new born child develops it at such a young age. It all stems back to the mother. It is common for breastfeeding mothers who have low vitamin D supplementation to pass it onto their kids. So when should mothers be aware of whether or not they should be breastfeeding their newborn? Some mothers may lack vitamin D because of lack of exposure to sunlight, they may fear the risk of getting skin cancer(Wharton,2003). These women should work vitamin D into their diet by the different means listed in

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