
Book Classification Final Exam

Decent Essays

713 Final Exam
Part 1
Question 1. “c”
Question 2. “d”
Question 3. “d”

Part 2
The book, “Ceremonial songs of the Creek and Yuchi Indians” is unique because it fits comfortably under classifications of history as well as music. For example, the provided Library of Congress Classification number shows it categorized with folk music from the American Indians and the Dewey Decimal Classification makes no reference to the musical aspect instead emphasizing the ties to the Creek Indians. This is problematic because if someone is not aware of the full topic or title and is seeking the book, they may disregard the music and be unable to locate the book in their search. Retrieval requires solid metadata, especially in these instances where one subject or classification is not enough to adequately describe the “aboutness” of the work. This is one argument in favor of increasing the reach of the semantic web and Linked Data to alleviate some of these problems. As seen in Part 1, achieving coextensivity is not easy when there can only be one DDC or LCC call number, but multiple LCSH headings assigned.

Part 3 The assignments for this course were certainly eye-opening for someone who intends to do cataloging and classifying work in the future. I naively assumed going in that there would be some ultimate form of classifying, but it seems the true winning combo is a combination of multiple, whether that be LCC, LCSH, DCC, folksonomy, or other ontologies. This work is integral to

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