
Book Report : ' Goodnight Nerdy Slut '

Decent Essays

I know you miss him, you think about him everyday, he’s hiding in every corner of your mind so no matter how hard you try he always comes back into your thoughts. It’s hard I know, its been months since the last time you guys have talked… You said “goodnight nerdy slut xP” messing around like you guys always have, two weeks went by until he actually read it, sad how you kept checking and checking to see if he read it, or if he was typing, and worst of all praying that he actually responded and you just happened to miss the text...but that was never the result was it? To this day you still have your guys’ last conversation, at the bottom of them all, you still go back at least once a week and check if there’s any chance that he’s typing, he …show more content…

You posted a post about him as a dare… took one of his old photos from his instagram… made things worse...seeing him yet not talking. But you overcame that..for the time being. You took a photo of a trash can from the internet and made a collage, you weren’t sure if you were actually going to go through it or not, your brain was saying fuck him he ruined you, he deserves this! Your heart on the hand, was telling you not to, that you were just hurt, you don’t feel this way about him, you’re gonna regret. You should’ve listened… everyone was convincing you to post it, you could say you were pressured, thought people would’ve thought you were a little cooler. You never wanted to hurt him though, if he even remembered you or still had feelings for you at all, you didn’t want this to ruin anything more than it already was. You go on his page take one last look...and block him, that way he can’t see what you did, You were heart broken, you didn’t know what to do, you were blinded. Finally you posted it… “ #throwbackthursday the one on the left is cuter” that was the trash can… you knew that was such a lie. You felt happy about yourself, why? what did you accomplish? showing people that you are disrespectful? that you talk shit about people? This wasn’t just a stupid picture. You believed that if you could do this, if you could post this and have everyone see it,

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