
Book Report On The Book ' I Crazy '

Decent Essays

If you 'd like to connect with an entire community of writers, see the photo accompanying this column, and, possibly, win a paperback book, you 'll want to read this column on my blog. I have a neighbour who often drove her three kids to school. I’m too polite to have told her off for this, but they lived a 10-minute walk from both grade school and high school. What was she thinking? This kind of attitude — as well as the one that sees city officials failing to put sidewalks on all of their streets — makes me crazy.

Walking is one of the best things we can do. This advice is particularly true for writers. Why? Because in order to write, we need to think, first. And thinking at our desks — instead of out in fresh air, while we’re moving our bodies — is almost always a spectacularly bad idea.

When we sit, our brains become leaden. But when we walk, our hearts pump faster and our brains and other organs get more blood and oxygen. Scientists have shown this helps our memories work better and improves our attention.

The gentle exercise of walking also leads to new connections between brain cells, holding at bay the usual decline of brain tissue that comes with age. Even as my hair turns grey, I’m glad to know that I don’t have to listen to contemporary music to keep my brain younger.

Furthermore, walking also has a positive impact on creativity. In 2014, researchers from Stanford published a set of studies designed to measure the way walking changes creativity. When did

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