
Book Review: Ammu Biblused By Drink Lemondrink Man

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When Ammu was deprived of every relationship, she was fated to meet the Inspector Thomas Mathew who verbally and physically abused her. He called her “veshya” and her children “illegitimate” and he tapped her breasts with his baton. Emotionally disturbed and embarrassed Ammu was unable to bear the humiliation and the fact that she could not save the life of Velutha. With a fervent guilty consciousness, she unconsciously whispered “He’s dead,” and “I’ve killed him.” The hardship she endured in the police station and the alleged charge on her for violating the Love Laws of whom should be loved and how much affected her psyche. She became broken and felt lonely when she sent Estha to Calcutta and left Rahel …show more content…

Orange? Lemon?’(Roy, 1997, 103) From the first quoted lines it is clear that Orangedrink Lemondrink Man is forcing Estha to have drink. Estha tried to reject his free lemon and orange drink but man accomplished his wish. As Estha was alone in Abhilash Talkies Princess Circle lobby, his family was inside enjoying the movie this gave him opportunity to do whatever he wanted to do. From second quoted line the cruelty of Orangedrink Lemondrink Man is reflected.Estha was sexually abused by Orangedrink Lemondrink Man. Estha's experience factors into the tragic events at the heart of the narrative. In order to safeguard the precious feelings of others, she failed to realize the feelings of her own children. This unfriendly rudeness made her son conceal the sexual abuse of the Orangedrink Lemondrink man. Even his twin Rahel could sense the unsmooth relation between Estha and the man that caused fever in him. Ammu failed to notice the evil desire behind his surprisingly sweetness with Estha.


Baby Kochamma goes to the police and accuses Velutha of being responsible for Sophie's death. She claims that Velutha tried to rape Ammu, threatened the family, and kidnapped the children. A group of policemen hunt Velutha down, savagely beat him for crossing caste lines, and arrest him on the brink of death. Velhuta was guiltless. Ammu and velutha both loved each other, but Baby Kochamma misrepresented the relationship between Ammu and Velutha, not for Ammu sake, but to contain the scandal and salvage the family reputation in Inspector Thomas Mathew’s eye. She made all story to save her family reputation and she haven’t thought about the life of person who had not committed any crime. Thomas Mathew punished brutally punished Velutha because he was untouchable and belong to lower

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