
Booker T Washington Naturalism

Decent Essays

Up from slavery

In the story up from slavery, Booker Washington states that, “I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed” (59). This quote comes from a man who faced many hard times in his life and went on to become one of the first civil rights activists and a very influential writer in the modern area while overcoming the hardships that he faced in his early life. Booker T. Washington was extremely influenced by the naturalism era which lasted from the early 1870’s to the late 1920’s consisting of stories that may receive highly symbolic in certain subjects or idealistic possibly even supernatural treatment. Booker …show more content…

Washington. His conflicts, including some of the struggles he went through when he was young. Using multiple metaphors in the story to describe slavery and other events that happened in his lifetime. The author of the criticism makes some very interesting points. Including the use of some of the literary elements. He explains that the elements are used correctly in the story. And also how that the author of the book, Booker T. Washington was very smart to wear he placed these elements. And how that they really do affect the way that the story is told by switching up certain plot points and changing the way they're told. And personally i agree with the author of the criticism. One reason being everything he says makes a great deal of sense to the average reader including myself. Also including the way that the author talks about the use of literary devices and proper word placement. Another example is when the narrator uses metaphors to describe his own life after being freed and finding work, it helps make the point of the book and further along the entire plot of the story. Also a quote from the author of the story ,” success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in his life as by the obstacles which he has overcome”. The quote talks about even after the conflicts he's faced he doesn't measure his success based on things he's done but by the hardships that he overcame in his life. And finally …show more content…

Washington was influenced by many things whether it be the freedom from slavery. The changing of a nation and its policies and the rise of new eras of literalism such as naturalism or realism elements that greatly affected the way he wrote his stories. It's hard to change the horrible events of the past. But as I and others have come to learn from Booker T. Washington if you are willing to go the distance and turn the other cheek then you can overcome the hardships that can be placed upon you. And hopefully one day with the teachings from great literature figures from the past like Booker Washington, that we can one day forge a path ahead that's filled with truth and understanding. And hopefully live in a world where everyone can come together as not just a common people but one true family and realising Booker T. Washington's

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