here’s a decision to make, and you and your other classmates know just what to choose. Your teacher wants to have the class decide whether the teacher or the students get to choose the books to read throughout the year. Of course, students would want to choose the books they read, but teachers should choose the books because it would follow the guidelines, they will be appropriate, and they aren’t already read by the students.
Although it would be fun for the students to choose the books, when teachers choose the books, it would be more effective in following the reading guidelines. First, students would want to choose simple books that don’t follow them. They may think that the books teachers choose are difficult to understand and tedious to read, but teachers know what the students need to learn throughout the year. Also, if the students choose the books, the teachers might not have read them yet. It makes it harder for teachers to explain the book and its components because they haven’t studied it as much
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The fact that they will be reading from a variety of genres, will open their minds to different topics that they may want to learn more about. It could motivate them to read more books, which would expand their knowledge and understanding of books. As Dr. Seuss once wrote, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.” If most students haven’t read the book the teacher chose, there won’t be a disadvantage between the people who read the book and those who haven’t, and spoiler alerts won’t be necessary. Everyone knows that pesky kid that spoils a movie for the whole class, and no one wants them to spoil the book for them. Moreover, they will be at the same level of understanding since they are all reading the book for the first time, which is
Although it would be interesting to see the teachers experience for books, I agree that it would be more effective to let students pick a book for the class to read for a variety of reasons. For example, when I was in 7th grade, most of the student didn’t like the books we read. If students pick the books, they’re most likely to like the book and be more focused and excited to read the book. This helps with their vocabulary and makes them get better at reading. If students aren’t even paying attention to the book, how will they know what’s going on and improve their reading skills? Overall, this is only one reason that students should pick the book.
Reading is boring, I hate reading. These are two common sentences that you hear before and after ELA class. This is because they are reading a book that is boring to them and they are not interested in that book. They are being forced to read rather than reading something that they will enjoy. This is why choice reading matters. Choice reading allows the student to be able to read what they want. This way reading becomes more of a hobby and less of a boring task to the student. Choice reading not only brings pleasure but it allows you to travel to faraway places, to imagine different world, to learn about different cultures and to learn about some of the top minds of history.
“Looking for Alaska,” “Of Mice and Men,” ”Speak,” “Fahrenheit 451,” and “The Hunger Games” (“Banned”), are all titles of books that have banned or challenged. The titles of these books that have been listed taught people great lessons and have changed the way many see the world. Banning or challenging a book, in a nutshell, is filing a complaint in hopes of getting the book removed from school, libraries, or public places. The banning of books happens for a number of reasons, but it all really comes down to what is contained in the books, like: inappropriate language, graphic scenes, or racism. Book banning is not new, in fact, it has been around for quite a long time. This should no longer be a thing, it takes away from a person's ability
Just cause a book is more interesting does that mean that it’s more informative? Personally I think it doesn’t matter the reading level as long as you're getting the the same amount of information you would with a novel then what’s wrong with a graphic novel or a comic book. A lot of the time readying something like that is enjoyable and gives high schooler a break from all the information we are forced to take in each day.
Activities and discussions on the book or books being read, depending on whether or not the children got to choose all of their books, would occur throughout the day. For many people, the problem with Gow’s proposition arises when the fact that math, science, geography, social studies, and history would be completely cut out of the curriculum. In spite of the large number of people who back this claim, it’s a simple misconception. Children could, and, if they were interested in the subjects, would, choose books on one or more of those topics. Moreover, the presence of maths, sciences, and social studies in a fourth grader’s education may not be as significant as some people make it out to
Teachers can not only choose texts suited to the events that occur in the students’ lives, but they can also choose texts suited to the students’ interests. According
The argument for the use of the term “Renaissance” is made by defining the “Renaissance” as a global expansion of the western world as a whole. Jerry Brotton uses many different portraits and literature, to make the assumption that the “Renaissance” was much bigger than just Western Europe. The difference in this argument are the advancements in technology and ideals in Western Europe that changed the world. The most significant invention for communication perhaps of all of time would be the printing press. The printing press came about in 1450s, due to the collaboration of Johann Fust, Johann Gutenburg, and Peter Schöffer. The printing press was revolutionary at this time sparking literacy and giving people a voice. Brotton mentions how by
Readers read a variety of books for all different purposes. I think especially with our younger readers, we are so caught up in just right, “leveled” text. I loved Debbie’s suggestion of bringing the books/magazines/articles on my nightstand and showing them my collection as a reader of easy, just right and challenging books. Reminding our readers, that “readers mostly read books that are just right, but they could decide on a easy or a challenging one, too.”
The required texts set a level of reading that students should be able to understand and learn from, while texts chosen by a teacher should enrich their learning experience significantly. When teachers chose a text they want to teach, it obviously will not be a book that they dislike. It will be a book that they believe will mean something to the student’s and their level of thinking. The U.S Department of Education cannot make these decisions for teachers, they do not know the students. Teachers know their students better and are in a superior position to settle on proper curricular choices. Because of this, it is best to have some sort of accommodation between the two methods rather than wrongly generalizing the population of US high school students and aligning them with a ineffective
Back in the 15th century there was no such thing as censoring books for young minds. People in that century didn’t see or feel a need to censor coarse language, scabrous actions, and situations. Now a day’s though, children are expected to be censored by their parents to protect their childhood innocence. Public schools need children to acquire permission from their parents before they can read a novel with content that is considered improper. Daniel Radosh’s son came home from school with a note asking if it was fine if he read Fahrenheit 451, although, it held foul language and descriptions of the burning of a Bible. Daniel Radosh responded in a witty note that the permission slip was a perfect way to intricate the students with the
There is no hiding the fact, classics can be a challenge to read: however, does that mean we should just forget about them?. A modern teenager wouldn't know one of the most iconic Australian songs “Waltzing Matilda”. For those that do recognize the song would most likely only be able to recite the chores, the remaining verses will be a endless monotone mumble of confusion. Furthermore, not all of Australia's classics are being lost as and enhanced number of children recognize dreamtime stories rather than western culture as they are being taught in primary school. There are many things that can distract students such as technology, technology has changed the world and it is reaching new limits as I write.
Ripp points out in this article is the importance of keeping the students interested and engaged in books. For any number of reasons, such as trying to fit in or juggling priorities in general, students often completely give up on reading for enjoyment, and, as Mrs. Ripp mentions, “There is no year that we cannot lose a reader.” In essence, the point she is trying to get across is that students of any age are prone to developing a negative attitude or outlook towards reading. For some students, this might come as a result of being a struggling reader, while for others it may be as simple as not knowing how or what to read for pleasure. Where these issues are concerned, Mrs. Ripp has taken it upon herself to instill a new – or renewed – love and passion for diving into a good
By banning books, it shields children from what the real world is really like. Going through life without knowing what its really going to be like once you grow and are officially on their own can damage a child rather than helping them. Every parent tries to do what they think is right for their children and sometimes they can end up hurting them more. Books should not be banned from society. Even though some books have suggestive content or profanity does not mean that you should take out so-called negativity because your children gain knowledge of what’s right, wrong and how to act. Books shouldn’t be banned from society. Books are some peoples way to escape reality for just a single moment.While books shouldn’t be banned from society, some have a lot of profanity. Banning those books would be taking away citizens rights through the First Amendment.
As a child, you can be so traumatized that you will never recover. The trauma can be several different things. But parental failure, mistrust, and abuse are some of the most horrible things a child can be exposed to. Some children are never able to let their traumas go, so they can live on with their lives. And therefor it will keep hunting them for the rest of their existence. Questions like “Why didn’t my mother belief me?”, “Why my?” and a lot of similar questions will always be right there, right in the back of your head. Ready to strike when you least expect it, and in that way, strike the hardest. Exactly like in “Sticks and Stones” where Lewis is wondering what
I really liked the book of choice format. I enjoyed being able to read what interested me not the teacher. It allowed me to read the book with passion not just read it only with the end in sight. I believe that we should be forced to read certain books due to their lessons but I also immensely believe in the option to have a book of choice because we all have very busy lives and if it is an assignment we will read the book but it makes it even more appealing when it is a book of choice because the once called “summer reading” or “homework” now is more of relaxing time. I hope that Woodward continues this policy in the