
Borders Made By Our Language. Imagine Moving To A New Country

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Borders Made by Our Language Imagine moving to a new country and having to learn a foreign language. You do not seem able to speak without your accent and some words in your native language are coming out instead. Furthermore, you are unable to speak without pausing after almost every word. You are constantly looked down upon. People constantly correct your pronunciation and word choice. People look at you like you are not even speaking the same language. Thus, you only speak with people in your same social structure. They—like yourself—moved and had to learn the language of your new home. So, together you kept your native language alive and only talk to them because you know they will not judge you. In my opinion, This is reflective of …show more content…

This definition is further expanded by Gloria Anzaldúa in “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”. In “How to Tame a Wild Tongue,” Anzaldúa (1987) mentions how at school, they were trying to get rid of her Mexican accent when she spoke English. They claimed that in order “to be American, [she had to] “speak ‘American,’” if not she should “go back to Mexico” (p.144). This was further enforced by her mother by stating, “I want you to speak English” without an accent, so that Anzaldúa can have a good job (p. 144). Here, Anzaldúa is saying that linguistic borders are physical in that once you cross a national border, like the U.S. – Mexico border, you must speak the country’s national language. Furthermore, you must speak it the way that it is spoken among the people and you cannot have your native tongue accent. Due to her mother’s support, this belief is not only supported by the people born in the country, but by the those who immigrated. Anzaldúa expands to claim that they are not only physical borders, but at the same time they are figurative borers. According to Anzaldúa, they are figurative, linguistic borders have a dual purpose for that separating and forming an identity. Anzaldúa (1987) claims that the “Chicano Spanish,” English and Spanish mixed together, “developed naturally” because “of the Chicanos’ need to identify [themselves] as distinct people” (p. 146). This was because they

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