
Boys Club Glass Ceiling

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Review of Literature
Male Pressures
To many, women within the scientific community is a work in progress. Indications of this have shown to be improving in these last decade or so, but have always been under the stress of a large factor. What is known as “the boys club” has proven to not only dissuade future female doctors from completing their graduate programs within STEM fields, but the impediment of this has directly affected some women participating in this area as a career choice.
In a research study conducted by De Welde, K & Laursen, S (2011) the term that supersedes “boys club” is known as “glass door” which inherits via social science theories of inequality that women experience a “glass ceiling.” The idea that this is “glass” is …show more content…

As this transition has been made, it has not been fully understood to have taken effect in several fields, one which includes STEM. In this area, women must go through an obstacle course of trials to achieve success, and a greater deal if they wish to become a leader. With such a harsh climate that includes “few role models and mentors, a dearth of female peers, intimidation, and implicit overt bias against women.” These feelings are instrumental in women’s decisions to leave science fields, even more so when there once was a desire to pursue a leadership position (Fabert, Cabay, Rivers, Smith, & Bernstein, 2011; Preston, 2004; Rayman & Brett, 1995; Rosser, …show more content…

Dawson, Bianca L. Bernstein, Jennifer M. Bekki (2015), the importance of women having a mentor as well as a role model to look up to drastically improves the durability of their career and ability to handle the pressures of a male-dominated field. In a 2006 study observed in a Nettles and Millet, 31% of graduate students “reported having no mentoring at all.” Of which those who did report having a mentor and research assistantships, men did show a significant advantage over women in “the number of paper presentations and published articles” presented (Dawson, A. E., Bernstein, B. L., & Bekki, J. M., 2015). When women did have access to mentorship within the STEM field, it was met with an unfortunate experience as felt from the female participating in the session (Gunter & Stambach, 2005; Noy & Ray, 2012; Ulku-Steiner, Kurtz-Costes, & Kinlaw, 2000). Due to the lack of women that were available to serve as a mentor for these female graduate students, there was a lack of support that otherwise led to uncomfortable interactions. In an attempt to solve the discrepancy, telecommuting service has deployed sites to draw in these students who seek more “diverse” mentorship. Sites such as CareerWISE feature more than “50 educational modules” (2015) to help these individuals find role models that they were otherwise unable to in STEM fields. Such modules are “devoted solely to communication and how to use it effectively to solve problems and

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