I believe brain surgery or "psychosurgery" should not be done if the results could be fatal. If the results are going to be questioned whether or not they will be good or bad the surgery should not be constructed. If there is any possibility that something bad could happen during surgery, I believe there is no point in putting risks on that person. If it were me that needed the surgery and the results may or may not be good, I wouldn't risk it. Others may argue that it's either risk it or die, but if you think about it honestly during the procedure you could die as well. 2. Although Moniz lobotomies cured some people they also worsend others. There were also times when Moniz performed a lobotomy and nothing happened. When people are being
Charlies doctors acted unethically when they asked if Charlie wanted to do the operation. The doctors didn’t ask Charlie these questions. "Has the patient been informed of benefits and risks, understood this information, and given consent? Is the patient mentally capable and legally competent, and is there evidence of incapacity? If mentally capable, what preferences about treatment is the patient stating? If incapacitated, has the patient expressed prior preferences? Who is the appropriate surrogate to make decisions for the incapacitated patient? Is the patient unwilling or unable to cooperate with medical treatment? If so, why?"(Siegler). The doctors just told Charlie that the operation will make him smarter. This was very unethical by the doctors who kind of took advantage of Charlie just for research.
One of the reasons the doctors were not ethical is they didn't tell him all of the risks and he didn't really understand what was going to happen after the operation. ''Miss Kinnian says maybe they can make me smart.''(Flowers for Algernon progress report 1 March 5 1965) ''Has the patient been informed of benefits and risks, understood
amount of good things (such as pleasure and happiness) in the world and decreasing the amount
Did you know that there are about 100,000 miles of blood vessels in the brain (Neurologist 2011)? It is true, which is why neurosurgeons must take special care when operating procedures in this vital part of our body. Neurosurgeons, equally known as brain surgeons, specialize in the activities occurring in the brain and nervous system. Training to become a brain surgeon requires a 6-7 year neurosurgical residency following four years of medical school (citation). Brain surgeons primarily perform complex surgeries on the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. Becoming a brain surgeon result in significant benefits such as they heal problems in one of the most complex parts of the body, the brain, they help all
If you are not familiar with the word phlebotomy, it simply refers to the practice of drawing blood for the purpose of lab testing. Those who do this type of work are referred to as phlebotomists, and becoming one can be a fast track to a career in the health care field. The following are among the best reasons to think about pursuing this type of employment.
Additionally, having these precautions will save more lives. With constant, damaging effects to the brain, people start to develop tumors and other injuries.
As a student of psychology I have read about this procedure a few times during my studies. It seems possible that the doctors who performed this type of surgery may have been more interested in stretching the boundaries of medicine and gaining notoriety versus the actual care of the patient. The term psychosurgery describes a surgical intervention to change another person’s mood, thoughts, or behavior. This procedure was coined the frontal lobotomy. The procedure involved cutting the major connections between the prefrontal cortex and the rest of the brain. Lobotomies became part of a new age treatment for neurological diseases in the early 20th century. The original procedure, also known as a leucotomy, involved an injection of alcohol into
The Portuguese Neurologist Antonio Egas Moniz is said to be credited with inventing the Lobotomy in 1935, for which he shared the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1949. (Official website of the Nobel Prize, http://www.nobelprize.org/) Before the procedure was tested on humans, it was actually tested on chimpanzees by a Yale Neuroscientist John Fulton and his colleague Carlyle Jacobsen in 1935. Because of certain behavioral and personality issues, the procedure was sought to adjust the way illnesses were developed, and to eliminate them. The procedure was done by cutting holes in
of the brain and preserving vision. The risks have been a concern for healthcare providers for
Following a cosmetic procedure, patients may develop infection, disease or illnesses. Along with cosmetic surgery, complications such as: “paralysis of the face or other body parts, abnormal heart rhythm, airway obstruction, blood clots, brain damage, heart attack, malignant hyperthermia, nerve damage and stroke” are possible (Disadvantages). After surgery, patients may have to undergo a lengthy healing process. Healing takes days, months, or even forever depending on the patient (Disadvantages). Are the risks and process really worth the desired outcome?
Scalpel in hand, staring at the hippocampus throbbing in front of me, I focused on the butterfly tumor on this young woman who had an entire life ahead of her. My favorite part about neurosurgery is the endless amount of possibilities that are in the hands of both the surgeon and the patient. Whether it be my capability of having a steady hand to remove such a consistent and aggressive cancer, or her ability to have vitals that make the surgery successful, we both depend on each other. Proceeding to successfully remove this stage four glioblastoma I considered what could go wrong. The hippocampus is considered to be the center of emotion, memory and the autonomic nervous system which primarily controls the bodily functions one does not consciously
In the medical world, we are sometimes placed into situations with an undesirable outcome. The least desirable outcome imaginable to being pronounced dead, or in our scenario, being labeled “brain dead”. Being classified as brain dead, is not an easy diagnosis to be made, and is defined as “irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem, is dead.” Throughout the course of assessing the articles provided, we learned about a patient by the name of Jahi McMath who had tonsillectomy performed at the Children’s Hospital Oakland. Upon entering the procedure, the family was told the procedure was considered normal. Unfortunately, approximately thirty minutes after the procedure, Jahi begin to experience
lobotomy helps the patient, they truly know it will lead them over to the chronic side, one of
The following text deals with the plastic surgery. Whether plastic surgery always works is questionable. When people hear about plastic surgery, most of them tend to connect it with Hollywood. At the present time it is no longer surprising that people operate their body parts, even at the age of 18. But why not think about reconstructive surgery. There are thousands of cases of skin cancer, sears or deformity of body parts. The following paragraphs also report issues such as,
What makes a Neurosurgeon? The money? The type of houses they get to live in? The places they get to go? The car they drive? Sure it could be all of those things. But what really makes a Neurosurgeon? Is it ambition? Is it courage? Is it the aspiration to save lives? Is it the reaction they get after a successful operation? Or is it a dream that they have dreamt of becoming a Neurosurgeon? Well, it's all of those things. I’ve dreamt of becoming a Neurosurgeon since I was in 6th grade. Ambition is one of my traits. I’ve always had the aspiration to help others, but to save lives that’s another level I want to achieve. The reaction I get when I do something great internally is something that I cannot explain. That’s a Neurosurgeon. Neurosurgeons are specialized physicians and their specialty is doing surgery on the Nervous System. Let’s look more in depth at becoming a Neurosurgeon.