
Diction In Brave New World

Decent Essays

Brave New World
How can someone claim something is right if they’ve been conditioned everything they do must be for the good of society? In the novel Brave New World, Aldous Huxley uses literary devices such as diction and negative connotation to explore the issues of brainwashing, relationships, and drug dependency and how these issues affect society. He relates these issues back to real life problems in the 1930s like racism, sexism and the great depression. When Huxley wrote his novel in 1931 it was near the beginning of a worldwide depression. However many economic issues were on his mind because of what was happening when he wrote this novel, Huxley was also very much aware of the social and scientific changes that were also happening in the world. He uses these thoughts to create a society focused on these issues.
In Brave New World, Huxley emphasises on the idea of brainwashing by mentioning it over and over again to establish how incapable people are to take care of themselves so someone has to step in, aka the government. Huxley uses diction with words such as corruption and hatred to pull in a negative feeling that people experience for not conforming to the ideas that everyone else in society shares. Even when the people know that they’re being controlled, they’ve grown a sense of longing for the soma (brainwashing) and it just doesn’t phase them anymore. The Controller makes the statement “The world’s stable now. People are happy; they get what they want and

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