
Brand Awareness and Brand Extension Literature View

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The Indian retail market is evolving rapidly. It is a parable that now Indian retail industry requires lots more of fashion. The organized retailing is developing at rapid speed. It is agreeable to all that fashion is a vital part of both the retail industry as well as the brands. Fashion has led the retail industry boom and it has sustained its dominance in malls, markets and stores. With radically changing fashion and retail industry, the Indian consumers are facing considerable transformation. With an increase income levels and increasing attitude "LOOK GOOD - FEEL GOOD", fashion is offering huge potential to penetrate deeper into the …show more content…

This form of marketing is driven by word-of-mouth, meaning it results in earned media rather than paid media. Social media has become a platform that is easily accessible to anyone with internet access. Increased communication for organizations fosters brand awareness and often, improved customer service. Additionally, social media serves as a relatively inexpensive platform for organizations to implement marketing campaigns.

* Blogging: Originally blogs were meant to be an online outlet for folks to express themselves. Fast-forward to our current year and many people will not go a day without reading a blog of some sort. Blogs have become one of the main resources for news, entertainment, fashion and information on a variety of professional industries. Since blogs have become mainstream, businesses blogging about their particular industry has become increasingly important to participate in.

* Campaign HYPERLINK ""Distribution: Without the proper distribution networks, creating an online campaign is nearly worthless. Campaign distribution efforts are uniquely tailored to the needs of each of the clients. This is done strategically taking into account the demographics the brand is trying to target. Once the target audience is decided on, campaign materials will be distributed to online distribution networks that particularly pertain to the decided

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