
Brave New World And Fahrenheit 451 Essay

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People tend to look upon the future with hopeful optimism. Some may imagine flying cars and unfathomable knowledge, while others perhaps think of a more imminent future of self driving cars and and drone delivered packages. In short, the future is commonly viewed as beinging good. But one may see the future through a different lense. They may think of nuclear fallout, plagues and pestilence, and other awful things. But sometimes the distinction between utopia and dystopia can become muddled. In works such as Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, and Ray Bradbury 's Fahrenheit 451, the idea of an ambiguous future are ex. Both of these works have original ideas and stories. Brave New World focuses more on mass production and …show more content…

As As Bernard Marx put it,“‘Adults intellectually and during working hours...Infants where feeling and desire are concerned.’” In Brave New World, people are are given their social status at birth, and through intensive conditioning at young age, accept and enjoy what they do. The process in Fahrenheit 451 isn’t very different. People are shown tons of propaganda about how great the government is is in order to make them never actually question this assessment. And if propaganda doesn’t work, drugs can always be used to accomplish the same goal. This plays back to the whole idea of how individual extremes helped create this extreme society in which any genuine feeling is dead In Brave New World, one of the main ways citizens of futuristic London find ‘happiness’, is through the use of narcotics, specifically a drug called Soma. The reason Soma is so special is because it has been engineered to have all the effects of heroin minus the health concerns. Without any reason to try and find happiness, people let themselves succumb to a false sense of content. The concept of “The walls” in Fahrenheit 451 is very similar to that of Soma in the sense that they both act as a way to give people false happiness. The walls basically oversized television sets, very akin to the flat screen televisions present in modern society. The problem with these technical monstrosities of Cathode

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