
Brazil Bruhaha Research Paper

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Brazilian Bruhaha

“I’m enjoying so much this whole bruhaha in Brasilia,” posted a friend on Facebook this morning.
I wasn’t.
I panicked.
I have been progressively severing my ties with Brazil over the last few weeks, not without paying a psychological price. As I wrote before, I had decided to close KBR’s operations there and transfer all my business activities to the US. This was my last month of a double life. I was planning to close my bank accounts by the end of the month.
As you might recall, our move to the US was predicated upon the fact that, after a whole year trying, we had managed to sell our house in Serenity Valley. Next thing, we struggled to transfer our assets — legally, of course, with the exchange currency on a crazy swing …show more content…

I don’t remember the dream du jour at that point, maybe a recipe book or a vegetarian restaurant, since for a while I fancied my cooking skills.
So, basically, I was safe. And, in all honesty, I don’t know what took hold of me today.
Maybe, like mentioned earlier today by another friend, who had also moved to the US a few years back, my fear had been triggered by an old “panic gene” inherited from ancestors who had to escape the pogroms in Eastern Europe. Though I can’t remember any family stories of that sort, despite the fact that my father’s family did travel from Poland to Brazil in 1929. Being a Jew, you actually never know.
I guess my memory actually does not fare so far back in my personal history. I don’t remember consciously, but there might be some kind of painful remembrance of the Military Coup in Brazil in1964, delicately dubbed “the 64 revolution.” I was 12 years old, and after a short period of tanks in the streets everything went back to normal, or so I thought. Only this morning I could figure out the kind of fear my parents must have felt at the time, both in their early thirties with two young children to

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