
Brazilian Wandering Spider Research Paper

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Brazilian Wandering Spider

Do you know what spider holds the world’s most venomous spider record, it is the brazilian wandering spider also known as the banana spider. It holds the world record of the world’s most venomous spider since the 2007 and with that it is also the world’s most venomous animal.

It can grow to have a leg span of up to 4 – 5 inches, they have two legs which are longer than its other legs. A brazilian wandering spider attacks you by standing on two of its back legs and brings forwards its two other back legs for balance, and lifts up its four front legs and jumps onto you, then bites you with its venomous fangs. A Brazilian wandering spider adult eats crickets,small lizards,other large insects and mice. The spiderlings eat flightless fruit flees and pinhead crickets. …show more content…

The appearance of a brazilian wandering spider is when its wandering the jungle floor at night and in the day hiding in the banana plant. Sometimes brazilian wandering can get bagged with the banana that are being picked for

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