
Breast Cancer: A Short Story

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A second in time. A hesitation. A blink. And in a heartbeat, life splits into a "before" and an "after."
Mom had was diagnosed in January 2013 with Stage 3 breast cancer. In the final stages of her disease, Mom said she could hardly stand to leave her "babies" behind, But one thing she repeated often was her desire to go to Heaven.
Mom was in her late fourties and suffering from a terminal illness. My family gathered later to talk with hospice workers about how we could make Mom the most comfortable. Her physical needs as she went on from this lifetime were crucial to us, but we were also set on honoring mom's heart before cancer had touched her.
As her oncologist was coming up with no cure, I took his hand as I expressed our family's gratitude for the excellent care she'd …show more content…

Her own mother shared favorite stories with the other family, and Mom's room was filled simotaneously with happiness and sadness.. She had blessed us with rich gifts of kindess, wisdow, and whit. A week at Godspeed had passed, proving her labored breathing was just too much to bear It was time for her to go--and she was ready,

I turned to my dad, who had dozed on a few times, stroked his wife's content face, and whispered to him, "She's is holding on for us."

My father, a child of the 70s, knew it was time. We cleared the room, and he lie in the blue hospital bed beside his wife. He lie by her side as he spoke softly in her ear. He tucked a blanket around her shoulder, gave her one last, supple kiss, and walked from her room as a hospice nurse entered.

Soon the nurse confirmed the fact that my mother had gone home — just moments after my father kissed her face.

Even though I knew about my loss iin the months before her departure, I was certainly not prepared to see "Issa" go. But I'm forever thankful for the valuable lessons she taught me, though in

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