
Brief Summary Of The Book 'Legend' By Marie Lu

Decent Essays

Reading Journal The book I am reading is called “Legend” by Marie Lu. This is the first book in the “Legend” series. The genre of this book is Science Fiction. This book takes place in the future, of what use to be the United States, which is now called the Republic. The Republic is fighting a war with The Colonies. Both of them want the country. Slowly, the Colonies are gaining control of parts of the Republic. Soldiers are needed at the war front, but they only want the best. On your tenth birthday, you are required to take the Trials. A test that has three portions: Physical, Academic, and an interview. So far, only one person has gotten a perfect score: June Iparis. June’s parents died in a car crash, and her older brother, Metias, is …show more content…

“Legend” is a well-paced book. The events don’t happen too quickly, so you have to reread it to understand, and it isn’t too slow that you get bored. Another thing I like is how there isn’t just one point of view throughout the book. The book changes from June’s point of view, and Day’s. Lastly, I like how this book, I can predict what will happen next. With other books, I can’t predict anything, because the author will mess it up. I like unpredictable books, but sometimes, they just make me angry. This book has a lot of great qualities, but there is one thing I don’t like. There is one character in the book, Thomas, who was Metias’ best friend. Metias was a kind person, who didn’t follow orders blindly. There was one part of the book where the heartless Commander Jameson, ordered Thomas to shoot Day’s mother while trying to capture him. June told everyone not to harm anybody. Thomas over here followed the order without hesitation. He should have at least hesitated. This character never questions the government, and if anybody says anything that puts them in a bad light, he will get angry. I really don’t like how the author made this character so blind, and

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