
Brief Summary: The Issue Of Child Labor In China

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Children are being put into child labor; but why? Child labor is pulling kids out of school and in a worksite, but if child labor is such a problem then why do people do it? This chapter states the reasons why People do child labor.

One reason why there is child labor is because of poverty. Some families need money to support their family so they're so desperate to get money they send their children to work. At a job site said children make about six cents an hour. When the children are done working said they are forced to beg on the streets all alone. After their day of begging and working they must return back the next day and do it all over again. So you might be thinking, “so what?”, poverty is a thing that is holding the children back from having a normal life. The kids have to pay for their freedom which would be hard for the payment they get. …show more content… said that people think girls should work instead of going to school. Since girls are not going to school they have to work all day instead of learning because people think only boys should go to school because they are more successful. Kids are in child labor because of their lack of education. According to Craig Kielburger from Free The Children when he traveled to South Asia some children there did not even know what a school was! This makes me think everyone needs a school so they do not end up in child

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