
Brooks And Mcnair (2009) Begin Their Essay By Pointing

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Brooks and McNair (2009) begin their essay by pointing out that in children’s literature rarely are main characters African American and written by African American authors. Several African American authors were rejected by publishers because their work did not fit the publisher’s idea of what an African American family should look like. One unfortunate example of this is when a publisher wanted the father to be edited out of a story written by an African American. The author had to fight for the right to keep the father in the story. Stories like this are common for African American authors. African Americans have been marginalized in children’s literature when they are omitted and stereotyped.
Sarah Hannah Gómez (2016) writes about how …show more content…

The book was Louise Erdrich 's The Birchbark House the story was told from a Native American girl 's perspective. It uses an insider’s approach and focuses on the aspects of daily life. The insider approach is where an author comes from the same or similar background as characters in the text. Gómez was thrilled to read the book because it showed that the stereotypes in Little House in the prairie that Native Americans are savages are inherently wrong. The family in the story The Birchbark House struggles in many of the ways the Ingalls family does: they overcome by pulling together. The author concludes by pointing out that it is actually harmful when children of color are omitted in the historical fiction genre. When a child does not see him or herself in historical fiction book, she or he could easily view himself or herself negatively. She argues that historical fiction needs to go a long way to redeem itself and include more diverse experiences throughout its texts. She wants authors to write more books that share everyday experiences from an African American cultural perspective. This is the type of literature, she has been yearning to read since her childhood.
Morgan (2009) writes to convey that African American’s literature has historically been omitted from American libraries and schools. After the civil rights movement, there where some improvements made. Sadly, very few books contained African American main characters. Even during the 20th century, many

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