
Bruce Springsteen's Storytelling Animals

Satisfactory Essays

Hearing about this project, STEAMSHUFFLE, one and only one song popped up in my mind. Thanks to my parents who are huge Bruce Springsteen fans, and basically making me listen to every song by the Boss, I chosed Part Man, Part Monkey as my song to match up with the reading, Storytelling Animal by Jonathan Gottschall. With Springsteen growing up in a religious household, Catholicism, Springsteen has been a follower in faith but with some rejections, which is shown in his music. Mostly in all of Bruce’s songs, sexuality/ Sexual Selection plays key parts for his fame and is obviously one of the rejections he has toward Roman Catholics. In the Boss’s songs he uses theories that Gotschall has stated in The StoryTelling Animal. In this Text, there

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