
Bruce Tuckman's Four Stages Of Team Analysis

Decent Essays

Leaders and managers must understand what type of group they are working with or putting together. When properly putting together a team, it can produce a high performing team. Every member on the team should be engaged in tasks and goal-setting in order to have a high-performing team. Teams are very open with communication and encourage creativity. Team members are known to be interdependent. Conflict is expected but in courage to be resolved to increase performance.
There are different types of teams such as ad-hoc teams, project teams and leadership teams. Ad-hoc teams have experts that work together for a short term. Project teams use management tools to track performance. They are very formal. Ad-hoc and projects teams both consult with experts to identify the problem and resolve them.
In 1965 Dr. Bruce Tuckman developed a four stage model that consist of forming, storming, norming, and performing. While using the four stages leadership teams are sometimes developed. According to Bonebright (2010), the Tuckman model allows …show more content…

A team can collaborate with one another and work together to fix the problem or they can avoid the problem and deny it all together. They may even accommodate each other by smoothing things over with one another or try to compromise/ negotiate. Negotiation is very important. It could lead to a stronger relationship or not. Rational decisions must be made during negotiation. When being in a negotiation process, alternative settlements must be made. The interest and the importance of the interest must be made known. Creating and claiming value in negotiation is important. There are seven common mistakes in negotiator cognition: Assuming a fixed-pie perspective, Lack of awareness of framing effects, Nonrational escalation of conflict, Negotiator overconfidence, Negotiator egocentrism, Anchoring, and Ignoring the cognitions of others. Overall negotiation helps improve decision-making

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