
Bubble Of Censorship

Decent Essays

Many authors convey messages to different audiences, large or small, young or old. While not all pieces of writing are sophisticated, such as children’s books, they teach children lessons. Something as simple as being nice to one another or washing your hands after using the restroom are straightforward lessons that can be picked up easily. On the other hand, there are other pieces that cut deeper into topics of the current times, that can be seen as controversial or even inappropriate for younger audiences. Hence, censorship is brought in. There is a bubble of censorship over children to keep them protected from the outside world. This bubble starts forming at birth and hovers until it magically fades away. The bubble fades somewhere around …show more content…

Books and face to face learning have started to dissipate as technology has taken over. The internet has taken over the teaching world. Apps have been on the rise since iPads and laptops have been introduced into school districts around the country. Applications like Notability, Desmos, and Quizlet have made it easier for kids to study on their own. Online classes are also growing more and more popular since students can double up on classes and get more credits in less time. Younger students don’t use devices for the same reasons, but to catch up on things they may miss in school due to absences or other extenuating circumstances. The school issued electronics are also great for reviewing materials at home, in the instances of an upcoming test. Most classes and teachers have the added help of being able to teach and or use devices for students benefit. Other classes, like art or gym do not benefit. Visual and physical classes are more difficult in the sense that they require full participation from students. Devices can serve as a distraction in these instances. Especially in cases where material is not …show more content…

There are dark crevices of the internet that cannot be hidden, unlike some books that are taken away from school libraries. Classic novels have been banned for inappropriate topics and language. In some cases of book bannings, some voting have not even read the books themselves, in the case of Sherman Alexie’s, Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, after reading the novel “Two of them revised their votes…. one saying that he found Alexie’s book ‘Outstanding.’”, which serves as a problem (McNamme). Do voters really know what they’re voting for? If not, then how many books have been banned without voters understanding the

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