
Buck Passed Away From The Jarrets

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Death and change are a part of life that can not be escaped, everyone at some point in their life will have to work through the grief of losing a loved one. Grief is the process that we go through to let go of old habits and starts a new way of life. The Jarrets have had to learn this the hard way when their beloved son, Buck passed away. The Jarrets are your typical American family. Calvin; the hard working, loving and caring father to their other son, Conrad. Beth; the mother who cared maybe a little too much of what everyone thought of them as a family. Last but certainly not least, Conrad; the boy who tried hard to be a normal teenager but had a mother who never showed him enough love and a father who was always too busy listening to …show more content…

She comes off as a perfect woman and wife to the people in her community and everyone around her. This is NOT the case for Beth Jarret. She has nothing together and she's falling apart from the inside out. She's become distant from her son, Conrad since the loss of Buck. Her grieving process hasnt been very efficient, but she's also not helping herself by pushing away the people who love her; Calvin and Conrad. She thinks that pretending everything is normal with their lives is going to help her grief, but she's pushing away the fact the she needs to express her true feelings about Buck. She has expressed quite clearly throughout the book that she was 'obsessed' (if you will) with Buck. Almost as if she was deeply in love with her son. Honestly, there should be nothing wrong with that statement, but in this situation, it has torn this family apart for silly reasons. This family should have gotten closer more than ever, rather than growing apart. Beth tries too hard to control every situation tht she really has no control over. An example of this would be Conrad. She believes she can tell him what to do with his sports, which friends he has and what he tells people about himself. Conrad and Beth's relationship in this …show more content…

You'll carry that with you your whole life. Why would you do that to yourself? Don't you love and care about yourself enough to give yourself the respect that you deserve? If the answer is 'yes', don't try to blame yourself for a situation that's out of your hands. It's unhealthy and you'll never heal. You always have to remember to take care of yourself first. You are more important than anyone in your life, so take care of yourself before anything.
Always be kind to others because you never know what they're going through, but you have to have respect and love for yourself first. It's healthy especially if you're blaming yourself for the death of someone close to you. Accept the fact that you cannot control the situation, mourn the loss and move on with your life keeping them in your daily thoughts. Grief changes people. Although, grief can be very good for us, but if not dealt with properly, it can cause long-term physical and mental damage. When you have other people to grief and mourn over a loss, it's easier. It also makes it easier when they truly love and care about you and your feelings. Family will always be there for you in a sad, emotional time like the loss of

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