
Grief In The Hunger Games And The Fault In Our Stars

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Imagine losing a loved one and how you would feel. For some people this grief is very powerful and it distracts them from their lives. Grief produces a bunch of mixed feelings like shock, denial, pain, guilt, anger, and loneliness. Fortunately, there is a cure for grief and the cure for grief is putting effort in the people that love you, learning more about yourself, and suicide as seen in the movie The Hunger Games, and the book The Fault in our Stars, the book Romeo and Juliet.
One cure for grief is putting effort into people that love and care about you. There are people who are trying to support you and are hoping for you to get over the grief of losing a loved one. They are trying to relieve, calm, and distract you from the pain with entertainment. This works because grieving people will eventually move on with a matter of time and makes that period of acceptance faster . Also, the one person that has passed away is not the only person in the world. There are a whole bunch of people that are amazing and are worth spending time with. In the movie The Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen’s friend, Rue, dies …show more content…

Instead of having to deal with this excessive amount of pain, you could distract yourself by exploring new personalities and hobbies that you didn’t know of. Whatever relieves you in times of pain can help distract and cure grief. For example, playing the piano can calm the nerves or finding courage through skydiving. In this adventure of finding oneself again, comes out a stronger person who is resilient to feelings of grief. In the book, The Fault in our Stars, Hazel is a lung cancer patient who falls in love with a boy name Augustus at a cancer patients support group. Unfortunately, Augustus dies from Osteosarcoma and Hazel grieves over her loss. Even though she was heart broken with Augustus’s death, she was able to strengthen by learning about herself, her take on morality, and her role in the

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