
Budget Cuts In Public Schools

Decent Essays

Are teachers satisfied with their salary? Do we lose opportunities in hiring new people to educate our students because of district cuts? District Budget cuts are ruining our future and causing many problems for the younger generations. Thanks to budget cuts many of the students today rely on auto correct for their spelling, many depend on calculators and other tools to keep up with curve because there wasn't competent teachers there to help them and due to budget cuts we have serious problems to look forward to in our future. People do not want to work at places that pay so low amount of money. Finding the right people to apply to schools in Philadelphia is really hard. “At the same time, the percentage of teachers who said they were likely …show more content…

Budget cuts cause many conflicts throughout the nation. Philadelphia school district have many high budget cuts. A budget cut is when the government is not giving the district enough money and instead takes money. So, the district ends up with millions of dollars in debt and with nothing to help support the free public schools. The schools in Pennsylvania have gotten much worse as the years have gone by and it keeps digging into the ground. It seems almost impossible to rise from this debt and huge hole we have fallen into but there is always a solution. Many schools have over 35 students in their classrooms. Not enough teachers for every subject. Are we being fooled when getting our money taken away by taxes claiming it's for the district? If not, then why hasn't the school system improved one bit instead of having …show more content…

With all those students in there you would think there would be at least one teacher per class. This is the reason many kids are doing dangerous activities such as stealing and joining gangs because there's no teacher to keep them occupied otherwise. they find any reason they can do to keep themselves busy. Is this the direction our nation is going towards, a nation full of ignorance and violence? The sad truth is that in many parts yes, it has been taken over by savagery.’There are not enough teachers who are both qualified and willing to teach.”(Heather Voke)

“ What's the point of going to class, I don't have a teacher anyways?” Students have been walking around saying this and it upsets me. How can you be so ready to start a new fresh year with a clean slate but come to school and end up not having a teacher. That is a huge waste of the students time and a waste of education they should be getting.teachers are parents and have kids of their own. we can't blame anyone for not becoming a teacher at such schools. they need to support themselves and even family. if so much work is being given by teachers they expect to be rewarded something nice in

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