
Building English Language Ehl's Vocabulary Summary

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Claire Sibold discusses English Language Learners and the most effective ways to build their vocabularies in her article Building English Language Learner’s Vocabulary: Strategies and Tips. She discusses the importance of vocabulary in teaching the student through what would be a foreign language to them. Sibold (2017) states the goal of this article is, “By using the strategies described in this article teachers and parents will have the means to develop ELL’s vocabulary through reading, direct instruction, and reinforcement activities and games.” She talks about the fact the academic vocabulary is more difficult to learn than conversational vocabulary …show more content…

There is a direct correlation between understanding vocabulary and learning. Without the knowledge of vocabulary, an ELL will be lost and unable to understand the lessons that are being taught. Sibold (2017) says that” Both native English speakers and ELLs need support in learning the language that is used in the classroom as part of instruction, reading, discussions and assignments.” This means that even a native English speaking student must learn the academic terms that are used in the classroom before they can learn what is being …show more content…

Sibold (2017) states that “presenting both key words that help ELLs understand difficult text and multiple-meaning words that require students to use context to figure out the meaning will be necessary.” A teacher must use direct instruction for the student to grasp the meaning of new vocabulary. Teachers can use pictures that can closely match words that are unfamiliar with things that are more familiar. “Real objects, pictures, and photographs that clearly match unfamiliar words provide visuals that help ELLs make sense of the new words, e.g. photographs of frogs and salamanders to illustrate “amphibians.” (Sibold, 2017)
The article lists several different strategies that can be used to help an ELL learn the vocabulary that will help them to learn. The majority of the strategies listed have the same basic ingredients: repetition and visuals. When a person does not know the vocabulary that they are being taught, repetition and visuals are the best way to ensure that they are understood. When a person sees something and they repeat it over and over, it will eventually be

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