
Bullying And Its Effects On American Schools

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Bullying in American schools has become an underrated topic to converse about. It is a worldwide problem that can have negative consequences for the general school climate and for the right of students to learn in a safe environment without fear. Throughout Elementary schools, students are taught about bullying more than any other grade school. 282,000 students are physically attacked in secondary schools each month. As generations have evolved, kids in all schools get bullied rapidly and are afraid to report it. They feel they have no one to go to and situations like this can ruin a young life. Students can start bullying at a young age and stay consistent through until they graduate. Young people commit suicide due to being bullied in American schools. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year according to the CDC.
Studies indicate that bullies often comes from homes where physical punishment is used. Various reports and studies have established that about 15% of students are either bullied regularly or are initiators of bullying behavior. Bullying can effect both the bully and the victim. Victims tend to be close to their parents and may have parents who can be described as overprotective. Bullies appear to derive satisfaction from inflicting injury and suffering on others, seem to have little empathy for their victims, and often defend their actions by saying that their provoked them in some way. When

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