
Bullying Persuasive Research Paper

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Bullying: Time to take a stand When I was in junior high there were many things that were positive and good. However, there were problems that often went unnoticed and were handled the wrong way. Bullying has been a problem in the school system for many years. The school districts around the nation seem to have different ways of handling bullies. Some, take the bully to the office and talk to him or her about the offense, some even have harsh consequences such as expulsion. Bullying has many negative effects that hurt the victim not just for the moment, but potentially for the rest of their life. It can shut down that person down socially and emotionally, and is hard to recover from. It makes the victim not want to attend school for fear of …show more content…

Setting up very specific criteria that can easily be understood by all students, teachers and administrators to better solidify what bullies are and how to inform immediate appropriate action creates a zero-tolerance school. By having rules that are strictly enforced, it makes it easier for the students to know exactly what to expect. My high school did a good job of providing clear rules and standards of what was to be expected at the school. When the rules were not followed, action was taken quickly. Each individual case is unique but, having rules and punishment in place makes it easier to stomp out bullying.
Increased Watch of Students Bullying often occurs when a student is alone or picked out of a group. Encouraging teachers, monitors or parents to be out in the hallways before or after class, during breaks and lunch and after school will lower the risk of bullying at school. When I was in junior high, the altercation that ended with me being bullied was largely because of the lack of teachers out in the halls after class ended. Better ongoing focus leads to less bullying, safer school environments and more student confidence in the school system.
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