
Burial Rituals In Homer's Odyssey

Decent Essays

The Athenians believed that when a person died their spirit would leave their body, the body would next be prepared for burial. The burial rites were completed to make sure that the deceased would not be forgotten about. Early literature such as Odyssey stresses the importance of a proper burial and see the cutting of burial rites as an insult to human culture. The relatives of the deceased, handled the burial rituals that were split into three parts. The burial rituals were often handled by a woman in the family. The three parts were the laying out of the body called prosthesis, the funeral procession called ekphora, and the burial of the deceased. During the funeral procession the people move forward in an planned fashion, as part of a ceremony like what we do in modern world today, the time traveling to the location of the burial. The body is then washed and anointed with oil, followed by the body getting …show more content…

Often the father chose his daughter's husband but for most Athenians marriage was living together. Sometimes marriage would be arranged when the daughter was very young if she came from a wealthy family. The daughter would not be allowed to meet or know her husband until dowry and when the engagement had been agreed. Another one of their important beliefs were that the daughter was a virgin.
In the 5th century BCE of Athens the role of women was very small. Women learned important household skills such as cooking, sewing, cooking ect. . They learned how to read and learned simple facts about religion, mythology and sometimes musical instruments. But spent most of their time in the house, the only time they would leave the house was to handle religious duties. Before they were married they were controlled by there father and when they were married they were controlled by their

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