
Business Analysis : Bank Of Hsbc

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QUESTION 1. HSBC (2009, p.337) identities nine companies that share broadly similar business coverage, size and international scope:

Source: HSBC annual report and accounts 2009 Kotler and Keller (2012, pp. 271-272) maintain that there are three main sets of brand equity drivers:
 The initial choices of brand elements or identities making the brand
 The product and service and all accompanying marketing activities and supporting programs
 Other associations indirectly transferred to the brand by linking it to some other identity The competitors of HSBC brand are approaching the task of building brand equity in multiple ways:
1. The initial choices of brand elements or identities making the brand. …show more content…

2. The product and service and all accompanying marketing activities and supporting programs In 'Most valuable bank brands by service analysis ' (Brand Finance 2015, p. 7), Santander, HSBC and BNP Paribas are well-recognized in the retail banking service. UBS and Deutsche Bank are competitors in asset management/wealth sector and ranked the 1st and 2nd place respectively. In credit card service, Citigroup, Bank of America and Barclays are all in the top 10 with the highest brand value belonging to Citigroup. This advance may result from its successful "Enabling Progress" marketing campaign that 'reinforced both its banking products and its ongoing commitment to assisting its consumers on their journeys "from ambition to achievement" '(Interbrand 2015).
3. Other associations indirectly transferred to the brand by linking it to some other identity In 2014, Santander 'continues to effectively increase global brand awareness through brand ambassadors and its use of key drivers like corporate sponsorships, including Ferrari and McLaren Formula One ' (Interbrand 2015). On the other hand, Citigroup celebrated its 9th annual Global Community Day in 93 countries (The Citi Blog 2014). Whereas, Bank of America is also running the Unified Relay Across America and Special Olympics World Games as annual community activities (Bank of America 2015). Overall, although HSBC is performing as the best player in banking sector, it should pay attention

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