
Business Econ Research Paper

Decent Essays

Hope you are having a great summer. I took ECON188 in spring, and it was an amazing experience. Your rich knowledge and insight into the business world really opened my eyes. There is a question that I have debated with myself for a long time. I think you probably are the only person who could help me answer this question. The question is: Business Econ or Econ? I am currently a Business Econ student with an accounting minor. I feel sorry that I did not well organize my course schedule as a transfer student. In order to avoid delay in graduation, I am thinking about switching my major to straight econ(with an accounting minor), because then I will take 2 courses less. Almost everyone who heard that thought I am crazy. People(my peer students) …show more content…

Here is an example. One day I heard two students' conversation: A: Are you in business econ? B: No, just econ. A: With an accounting minor? B: No. A: So you are neither biz econ nor accounting minor, what are you gonna do? A lot of people have the stereotype that, if a student is majoring in biz econ, then he/she is smart, outstanding, having a good GPA. If a student is majoring in econ, then he/she must does not have a high enough GPA to get into biz econ (economics students are "leftovers"), this student is not as "good" as a biz econ student, recruiters would be less likely interested in this student compared to a biz econ major student. This phenomenon creates a fear, just like that student A keeps questioning me: If I change my major to econ, what am I gonna do? In terms of the course requirement, there are not big differences. Business Econ students have priority enrollment for certain 106 series and management courses, but econ students can take them, too. Since most students in both majors seek for the same areas of jobs, I am wondering, in the eyes of recruiters, do they prefer business econ students? Do they think business econ students are more outstanding(or more well educated in certain fields)? Does business econ major provides more opportunities when it comes to job/internships? Is Business Economics really "better" than

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