
Business Intelligence And Retail Industry

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BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE IN RETAIL INDUSTRY ABSTRACT Business Intelligence (BI) tools are extensively adopted by many companies to operate as efficiently as possible. The report investigates a BI adoption in a retail chain. . The analyzed data and reported actionable information help the stakeholders take right decisions in their business. Finally, the presented research identifies innumerous benefits including decision-making to be the most vital by the retail chain managers. Contents DESCRIPTION OF ANALYTICS IN THE RETAIL DOMAIN 2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FOR SAP BO 2 DATA USED IN KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY 2 DATA SOURCES USED 2 IMPLEMENTATION AND METHODOLOGY USED 2 CONCLUSION -THE REPORTED EFFECTIVENESS OF THE SYSTEM 2 REFERENCES 2 …show more content…

DATA SOURCES USED The following data sources were used by the retailer for their Data Warehouse (DW). 1) Internal ERP system. 2) POS (detail data from individual stores) 3) Shop guard system 4) Planning data gathered during discussions about implementing the BI project. 5) Manual CSV files. Some of the data were acquired through third party applications used in the company. Integration has following layers • Web Application Layer • Database Server Layer • Data Services Service Layer Ad-hoc ETL processes were created to populate the DW. Reporting The various reports which were the most critical part of this implementation included reports for the various functional areas like: 1) Sales. 2) Shopping cart. 3) Customer Turnover. SAP BO objects – OLAP cubes “Each functional area was represented by an OLAP cube and defined reports. OLAP cubes are basic data sources for defined reports. The structure of every OLAP cube in SAP BO tools is defined by “universe.” The BO universe is a business representation of a company´s data that helps end users access data autonomously using common business terms; it also isolates business users from the technical details of the databases where source data are stored. Reports were made in relation to OLAP cubes. Granularity and periodicity were defined for each report by managers of the project team. The creation of a data

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