
By Any Other Name, By Premilla And Santha

Decent Essays

People have different views on different things. For example, culture; people think many things about different cultures like “What culture are they from?”, or “Where did they come from?” Culture is expressed in ways such as, clothing, language, religion, family values/beliefs, holidays and much more. One’s culture greatly influences the way people see them and the world. In “By Any Other Name”, the school headmistress already makes the girls; Premilla and Santha feel different by giving them different names… “Oh, my dears, those are much too hard for me. Suppose we give you pretty English names (Rau 44)”. Just because those names were too hard to pronounce, the headmistress changed the girls name to somethings else which affected the girls greatly. Culture consistently influences the way one views another and the world as conveyed in these stories, “An Indian father’s plea”, “Multiculturalism Explained in One Word: HAPA”, and “By any other name”. …show more content…

For example in “An Indian father’s Plea”, Lake writes about how Wind-Wolf’s father can’t tolerate Wind-Wolf being a slow learner, “I can’t understand that you have already labeled him as a slow learner (Lake 95)”. The teacher already labeled Wind-Wolf as a slow learner because of his culture. Another example is when Wind-Wolf’s friend’s mom said, “It is OK if you have to play with him at school, but we don’t allow these kinds of people into our house (Lake 98)”. Culture affected Wind-Wolf because he was different that the white kid. His culture made him feel different than the rest of the kids at his school. Some people may say that culture doesn’t affect how one views another, but as shown in “An Indian Father’s Plea” culture does affect how one views

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